meg rambles

Hello Again Pals

Oh boy oh boy oh boy. Where do we begin?

There’s been a lot happening this year, huh?

So let’s get to it, I guess.

I finished up my first year of grad school. I actually moved out of my apartment in March in favor of returning to my parents’ house in light of the pandemic. I finished the rest of my spring semester online, which was different, but necessary and doable (and I’m lucky that I have access to a laptop and an internet connection at home!). My fall semester will also be conducted online from home for various reasons.

We adopted another kitty, Emma! Well, I guess my mom did. She’s about six months old now, and she’s a rascal who gets into all sorts of trouble. Scout, Sadie, and her love chasing each other around the house and stealing each other’s snacks. They also love sitting together to stare out the window at the clouds and birds and bugs and it’s adorable.

All in all, it’s been an interesting time. I’ve been staying in the house besides grocery shopping every now and then, or the odd run to the pet shop to buy cat food and litter, or the quick trip we took to Boston to empty my apartment for once and all. My job is allowing me to work remotely (which is a huge privilege, I know), and I’ve been keeping in touch with friends and family over the phone and internet.

I feel like there’s not much to say, other than that! I know I say this in every post, but I really do want to update this more: maybe with more mental health updates? More thoughts? Writing? I don’t know. Whatever comes to me, I guess.


For parting words tonight, I just want to say:

Black lives matter.

(Here are some BLM resources.)

Wear your masks.

Wash your hands.

Take care of yourselves and others.



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